1 Réponse
AmberAnywhere provides a free trial for evaluation. Click Start Free Trial button to subscribe to the Free Trial plan to start using it.
Currently, there is only one Free Trial plan available. Click on the Select button to subscribe and activate the plan.
After activation, the plan information will be shown, including the plan type, subscription status, entitlement usage, data allowance usage, and the next billing date.
The entitlement usage means how many containers you can enable AmberAnywhere; the Free Trial plan allows you to enable as many entitlements as you need for your containers.
The data allowance shows the bandwidth available for remote connections to your container services running on Amber.
The list shows containers using AmberAnywhere. You can click the Set up AmberAnywhere button to start setting up AmberAnywhere for your containers.
The AmberAnywhere setup dialog will show a container list for you to enable or disable AmberAnywhere for them. Containers that are not assigned a network port will not be able to enable AmberAnywhere. This kind of container will be greyed out and not be able to be selected.
You can enable AmberAnywhere for a container by the following steps:
1. Check the checkbox to enable AmberAnywhere or uncheck it to disable AmberAnywhere for this container.
2. Define the domain prefix for this container.
The domain prefix must be 4-8 alphanumeric characters long.
The domain name suffix is generated automatically by AmberAnywhere.
3. Select the custom relay template (optional)
Some software like WordPress requires a custom relay template to work properly; when enabling AmberAnywhere for this kind of container, you need to select the correct custom relay template for the container.
4. Click Apply button to take effect.